D1.1 Report on the future skills and competencies for management of digital transformation​

This report explores the current literature on digital transformation in the digital era, paying particular attention to management, current trends, as well as workforce skills and competencies. It also reviews various frameworks, and offers insights based on an analysis of managerial positions (in the digital transformation space) job advertisements. This report also showcases short case studies developed in collaboration with partnering organizations within the EINST4INE consortium. Results show that leadership is necessary to support and boost the human side of digital transformation; secondly, business strategy thinking is a relevant competence for digital transformation. Moreover, finding and retaining diverse and skilled talent is a common challenge for companies, but a strong brand reputation, a clear recruitment process and collaboration with other companies may help to overcome such challenges. Finally, empathy and emotional intelligence have become crucial skillsets apart from technical and other soft skills when managing digital transformation initiatives. Empathetic team members can help colleagues internally and clients externally to gain confidence in the new digital era.

Authors: Vivian Marcelino, Sophie Altrock, Alejandra Rojas, Justyna Dabrowska.

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