About this event

The 2023 ISPIM Innovation Conference – “Innovation and Circular Economy” took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 4-7 June 2023. 

This conference presented a wonderful opportunity to engage with fellow innovation professionals from academia, industry, consulting and the public sector in a truly diverse event with people attending from across the globe. Participants could take part in workshops, hot-topic discussions and discussion panels as well as sessions on the latest academic research results and industry cases; and hear from leading innovation thought leaders and learn about the thriving innovation ecosystem in Slovenia. 

During the conference, ESR Vivian Marcelino presented some of her EINST4INE research on the integration and transfer of digital innovations developed in separated innovation structures during the transition to scale process. ESR Jessica Fishburn presented an abstract during a research in
progress session at the ISPIM Conference. 

Vivian’s paper “Digital Innovation: Exploring Integration and Transition Modes in Scaling Success” was also one of the three nominees for the Alex Gofman Award for the best student paper.

EINST4INE supervisors Anne-Laure Mention and Justyna Dabrowska were also present at the conference.