About this event

Constanze Leeb presented insights into her project to the Strategic Technology and Innovation Management (STIM) consortium at the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), University of Cambridge. Trying to keep track of all that is happening in the environment (e.g., disruptive technologies) is becoming increasingly difficult for intelligence officers, which is why digital tools (e.g., AI-driven tools) are important for gathering information in a timely manner. But:

  • How does the adaptation of such digital tools take place?
  • Why are they needed?
  • What issues could be overcome with them?
  • What tools are there?
  • How are people currently using them?

These are some of the questions Constanze wants to investigate during her project.

During this event, her supervisor Letizia Mortara also presented EINST4INE and all ESR projects to the STIM industry partners.

More information on the STIM website: https://engage.ifm.eng.cam.ac.uk/strategic-technology-and-innovation-management-consortium/