EGOS 40th Colloquium in Milan. Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space, and People

The purpose of the 40th EGOS Colloquium 2024 – hosted by the University of Milan-Bicocca – is to investigate what elements represent the crucial crossroads for organizations of the present and the future. The concept of “Crossroad” can refer to a place where one road crosses another, an intersection that can potentially connect people traveling from different sites and moving in different directions.

During this year’s Colloquium, EINST4INE ESR Nelly Dux (LUISS) presented her research titled: Navigating Open Innovation project and inter-organizational collaborations to address grand challenges: a NextChem case study. 

ESR Jessica Fishburn (LUT University) also attended the conference and presented her PhD project. 

Find out more about this event: EGOS – European Group for Organizational Studies