About this event

EINST4INE’s supervisors Henry Chesbrough, Justyna Dąbrowska, Agnieszka Radziwon, Paavo Ritala, Alberto Di Minin, participated in the World Open Innovation Conference 2021 on “Building Successful Ecosystems Through Open Innovation.”

They presented, chaired, and discussed in several parallel sessions, workshops, and closing remarks during the two days of the conference, as listed in the schedule below. 

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Track 2: The role of venture capital in open innovation
Track 5: Building open innovation ecosystems
Track 6: Inter-organisational collaboration in open innovation
Session 4: OI and ecosystem development for grand challenges
Keynote – The State of Open Innovation

Friday, 10 December 2021

Workshop: Research in R&D Management – Past Experiences and Future Trends
Track 1: Data and open innovation
Track 3: SMEs and open innovation
Track 4: Digital transformation and open innovation
Track 7: Open innovation management challenges


For more information visit the WOIC website: https://worldopeninnovation.com/event/woic-december-2021/